Short Description
caRamel is a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
combining the MEAS algorithm and the NGSA-II algorithm.
Download the package from CRAN or GitHub and then install and
load it.
This example will use the pbdMPI package in order to
use several processes of caRamel. Download the package from CRAN and
then install and load it. Make also sure that you have an MPI
distribution installed on your system, see for instance Open MPI if necessary.
test function has two objectives of three variables.
kursawe <- function(i) {
k1 <- -10 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(x[i,1]^2 + x[i,2]^2)) - 10 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(x[i,2]^2 + x[i,3]^2))
k2 <- abs(x[i,1])^0.8 + 5 * sin(x[i,1]^3) + abs(x[i,2])^0.8 + 5 * sin(x[i,2]^3) + abs(x[i,3])^0.8 + 5 * sin(x[i,3]^3)
return(c(k1, k2))
The variables lie in the range [-5, 5]:
nvar <- 3 # number of variables
bounds <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = nvar, ncol = 2) # upper and lower bounds
bounds[, 1] <- -5 * bounds[, 1]
bounds[, 2] <- 5 * bounds[, 2]
Both functions are to be minimized:
nobj <- 2 # number of objectives
minmax <- c(FALSE, FALSE) # minimization for both functions
Set algorithmic parameters for caRamel:
popsize <- 100 # size of the genetic population
archsize <- 100 # size of the archive for the Pareto front
maxrun <- 1000 # maximum number of calls
prec <- matrix(1.e-3, nrow = 1, ncol = nobj) # accuracy for the convergence phase
Combining distributed and shared memory parallelism
The caRamel parameters carallel and
numcores help to define the shared memory parallelism used to
evaluate by the user’s function each member of the genetic
The shared memory parallelism runs on a single computational node (or
workstation). For instance 20 cores can be defined with the following
results <-
carallel = 1,
numcores = 20,
graph = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)
For calling several times caRamel on a distributed
memory cluster of computers (or nodes) MPI is used.
At the end of the script, the different results of optimizations can
be gathered with:
init() # MPI functions from the pbdMPI package
size <- comm.size()
rank <- comm.rank()
results <- gather(optres, rank.dest = 0) # gather all results on the main process
if (rank == 0) saveRDS(results, "Results.Rds") # save all the results on disk
Finally, the previous script can be launched in parallel on a number
of nodes, for instance 4 nodes:
mpirun -n 4 Rscript --vanilla my_kursawe_optim.R